We are continuing to monitor the latest information regarding COVID-19 and its impact at the global, national and local levels. The HAVI shares the concerns of many in our community during this global pandemic. 

To navigate this situation safely, we recommend all in our community follow hospital, local and state guidance about prevention and safety precautions.  

For the most up-to-date information on COVID-19, please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

A core component of the HVIP model is building relationships with violently injured patients, both in the hospital and within the community. While any professional providing care within hospitals should follow institutional protocols, we recognize that many professionals are also responsible for post-discharge support within community settings. During this support, we recommend the following social distancing strategies for non-medical personnel:

  • Schedule virtual meetings instead of patient visits when possible.

  • Whether virtual or in-person, we encourage working with frontline staff to create scripts to help guide workers in their engagement with patients.

  • If meeting in-person is necessary, we recommend maintaining significant distance (6 ft) from clients to protect the health of all parties involved. Avoid shaking hands with patients and instead, use other signals of care (i.e. gestures such a placing hand over one’s heart)

  • If any program site visits or cross-site visits have been scheduled within the next three months, we advise postponing or creating virtual meetings. If the HAVI has helped schedule these program site visits, a staff member will contact you about the next steps.

  • We recognize that many programs will restrict contact with patients or cease frontline worker hospital visits altogether. We support programs taking steps to make every effort to protect the safety of their patients and their staff.

While we recommend social distancing strategies, we want to encourage you to stay connected with friends, family, and loved ones virtually during these times of uncertainty and anxiety.

Thank you for your continued dedication to your work. I am immensely grateful for your service as health professionals and community leaders.

With gratitude, 


Fatimah Loren Muhammad

Executive Director

The Health Alliance for Violence Intervention (HAVI)